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Good evening, everyone...I believe I have a leaking radiator..Anyone ever had theirs replaced? Need the low down...Money wise? Something I could do myself? Time involved? Any paticular brand?


01 Silverado z71 5.3


As usual THANKS!!

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If you're at all mechanically inclined you could definitely do it yourself.....money wise....probably in the $300 range (just a guess) for an AC Delco brand....you might want to check a local radiator shop about possibly repairing it. Why do you think it's leaking? Don't tell me you're losing coolant but can't find a leak....if that's the case pull your dipstick and check your oil.


Bar's leaks is the best additive iv'e used. I've also heard of home remidies such as egg yolk, and black pepper. lol Its true, its cheap, and ? know its temporary and if the rad is shot maybe its worth a try.


If you are not sure if the rad is leaking, pressure test it. Goodluck, keep us in touch.


Thanks for the replies...Was driving on the highway and the low coolant light came on..I was really close to the house...Popped the hood and could see where some coolant had misted on the battery and fuse/relay box...The radiator is wet on that side from the top to the bottom..I thought and was hoping it was the hose on the driver side where it connects to radiator but I dont think its that..So its wet from the driver side top down to the drain plug...So I cant really tell if maybe a leak started at the top and collant ran down or theres a leak at the bottom and it sprayed up. Id rather just replace it instead of "patching" the problem...I HATE LEAKS!!


Sounds like it's the radiator alright. You should be able to replace it easy enough. As stated above you could always pressure check it.


I would pressure check, just to be sure. A new one is probably $300 or more, may be able to salvage one for less than $50, but it'd be less hassle to just buy new.


depending on how old the vehicle is and how many miles are on it, it is always a good idea to replace the water pump with the radiator.


I picked up a pressure tester on the loaner program @ Advance Auto Parts...Gonna try and find where its leaking...To hot to do it this afternoon though!! Thanks again for the help everyone!


The pressure tester did the trick guys..Found the leak in a matter of seconds..Driver side, top, front side...Feels like a quarter of an inch crack...Yeah gonna change the hoses while im at it...I did find a no name at Advance Auto Parts for 150 with a lifetime warranty and they also have a Delphi for 200 with a one year warranty...Anyone ever use the no name brands just to have the benefit of the lifetime warranty or should I stick with a name brand like the Delphi? Seems like it shouldnt be to bad/hard of a job to handle...


Hit up a rad shop and see what they got


Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk 2


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