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11 minutes ago, Donstar said:

I think it would be very hard to convince someone they were colorblind if they were diagnosed unexpectedly as an adult!  My wife and I have been trying to select some new flooring and I suspect one of us has a problem between what is grey and what is brown.  I know I don't have a problem! 😉   With respect to my brother-in-law, his colorblindness works for him.  He can distinguish between colors he likes and those he doesn't.  The names he gives many colors are ones we apply differently.  He has his own truth!


I respectfully disagree. He does not have his own "Truth" but he does have his own "Facts" or his own "Reality". Again color is defined by wavelength not perception. But who am I to choose another' s reality? 


That aside, why do people explain the color of the sky to one born blind?


We were looking at some cars the other day and saw this white one. White, gray and black are not colors. They are tones and shades that contain ALL wavelengths or none or something in between. Yet white is almost always tinted, as is black for that matter, when it comes to paint. A distinction my wife does not see until the level of tint would be obvious to the blind. Harsh? LOL. 


This particular car has a subtle blue cast to it and pearled. I though it stunning but she only saw white and is sick of white cars. (Dizzy is white and a pain in the ......) There is no explaining this to her....

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I am intentionally being silly but If a colorblind person attaches a name to a color that is inconsistent with the popular name,  it doesn't mean the truth isn't being told.  It is like my bilingual friends using vert and green interchangeably.  Of course, the fallacy with my logic is a colorblind person will be inconsistent with naming colors of equal wavelength.  If s/he was consistent then the individual probably failed a significant part of a pre-school curriculum.  😉 

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35 minutes ago, Donstar said:

I am intentionally being silly but If a colorblind person attaches a name to a color that is inconsistent with the popular name,  it doesn't mean the truth isn't being told.  It is like my bilingual friends using vert and green interchangeably.  Of course, the fallacy with my logic is a colorblind person will be inconsistent with naming colors of equal wavelength.  If s/he was consistent then the individual probably failed a significant part of a pre-school curriculum.  😉 


The humor of serious people gets by me at times. Maybe it is because words are a hot topic button for me. I understand the difficulty of conveying an idea and having it received as sent. 


I use to know a women that "loved" her husband. Fanatical about telling him that frequently and needed to hear it herself constantly. Thing was, her definition of "love" was the same as that for ice cream. She "loved" ice cream too. She obtained this definition from, was molded by the culture we live in. It's kind of what a dictionary says about the word and it's roots. When you love something or some one in this way you..."fall out of love" and "fall into love' the same way you do a flavor of ice cream. You enjoy it intensely and immensely until you eat so much of it you tire of it, then....you just find a new flavor. She just liked her husband and enjoyed him. To her, love, like, lust, enjoy are all the same words that differ only in degree. She's had about 12 now.


Here's a more sobering take on this word: 


The Christian Greek Scriptures mainly employ forms of the words agape, philia, and two words drawn from storgeʹ (eros, love between the sexes, not being used). Agape appears more frequently than the other terms.

Of the noun agape and the verb agapao, Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Old and New Testament Words says:


Love can be known only from the actions it prompts. God’s love is seen in the gift of His Son, I John 4:9, 10. But obviously this is not the love of complacency, or affection, that is, it was not drawn out by any excellency in its objectsRom. 5:8. It was an exercise of the Divine will in deliberate choice, made without assignable cause save that which lies in the nature of God Himself, cp. Deut. 7:7, 8.”—1981, Vol. 3, p. 21.


It is this definition of Agape, Principled Love that the Bible uses almost universally when give instruction to husbands and wives as to there roles and behaviors within the bounds of marriage. The arrangement was to be forever. Compare Gen 2:24. 


Vines then says love is a act, not a feeling and one that is performed regardless of the actions of the target of that act. Based in moral correctness which is defined by Gods will not some 'like of ice cream'. And yes it is accompanied by warm feeling. 😉 


It's complicated until it isn't. 






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I'm not smart enough for all the above mentioned stuff, but it's interesting.  However..., can the truth ever evolve, not because of new facts though.  Like in this crazy world (spoken like an old person) when a boy who doesn't want to be a boy and then refers himself as non sexual, and all the HR people at work are shoving down our throats how to address that person, not as a boy, but as a they or whatever, pretty soon there are no boys and girls.    Maybe color will be too offensive to some and green won't be green it will be 5.66x1014Hz.   I know way too extreme, but.... 


After yard work this morning. I had a hankering for an alien invasion movie. The wife had left so I go a little out there. So sometimes I pick a subject close my eyes and hit ok. This movie was supposedly a real end of times documentary. How it ended up in alien invasion, I can’t say. Ok so I go with it. It was based on the Bible and of course right up to the present dead on. No surprises I go to church and all that. According to this documentary it’s almost over. 20-50 years max. If any big earthquakes start acting up. Or volcanoes. That new 700 HP Ram will be in my driveway. From now on I’m reading the explanation of the program first. That was scary.

2 hours ago, SILVER SLED said:

I'm not smart enough for all the above mentioned stuff, but it's interesting.  However..., can the truth ever evolve, not because of new facts though.  Like in this crazy world (spoken like an old person) when a boy who doesn't want to be a boy and then refers himself as non sexual, and all the HR people at work are shoving down our throats how to address that person, not as a boy, but as a they or whatever, pretty soon there are no boys and girls.    Maybe color will be too offensive to some and green won't be green it will be 5.66x1014Hz.   I know way too extreme, but.... 


This is what happens when everyone gets to determine for themselves something as simple as the meaning of a word. Imagine waking tomorrow and finding out that sometime over the night right became left and left, right but only for SOME people. Now go driving. That stop lights only mattered on Monday and Friday but what you call the day was up to each driver?


It's why we made the 'social contract' called education. Oh wait!  kjfi; fjiod/e025hk 0gna0d0g kd9agn kj9i0j i9 iadoto9h a0ght0ery6 645e3e, right?  Oh, does that offend you? Well..=98394h5j, favo9d aoadnfh 9 ao  You understand ??

40 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:


This is what happens when everyone gets to determine for themselves something as simple as the meaning of a word. Imagine waking tomorrow and finding out that sometime over the night right became left and left, right but only for SOME people. Now go driving. That stop lights only mattered on Monday and Friday but what you call the day was up to each driver?


It's why we made the 'social contract' called education. Oh wait!  kjfi; fjiod/e025hk 0gna0d0g kd9agn kj9i0j i9 iadoto9h a0ght0ery6 645e3e, right?  Oh, does that offend you? Well..=98394h5j, favo9d aoadnfh 9 ao  You understand ??

I get it.  
I used the color (green) because color can be broken down to math, like the frequency for green I mentioned.  hopefully that won’t be offensive.  

28 minutes ago, SILVER SLED said:

I get it.  
I used the color (green) because color can be broken down to math, like the frequency for green I mentioned.  hopefully that won’t be offensive.  

I wasn't busting your chops. Green is a great example but the roots run deeper. Much deeper.


I didn't want to touch the HR problem with a 10 foot pole. :crackup:That topic is forum toxic me thinks. But I got it. 😉 

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54 minutes ago, Grumpy Bear said:

I wasn't busting your chops. Green is a great example but the roots run deeper. Much deeper.


I didn't want to touch the HR problem with a 10 foot pole. :crackup:That topic is forum toxic me thinks. But I got it. 😉 

I didn’t think you were busting my chops.  It’s all good. 

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I also place a high importance on words and appreciate that others can be be far less careful.  "You always...",  "you never..."  bug me especially when these words appear together in unpleasant domestic confrontations.... I thought of "gospel truth" this morning as a peckish synapse contribution.  Is this a special classification of truth?  Is the truth in question dependent on spiritual beliefs?  

10 hours ago, Donstar said:

  Is the truth in question dependent on spiritual beliefs?  


Jesus in prayer to his father says, "Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth". (John 17:17)


James 1:17 Says further, "Every good gift and every perfect present is from above, coming down from the Father of the celestial lights, who does not vary or change like the shifting shadows.


Malachi 3:6 lastly makes this note: “For I am Jehovah; I do not change..."


God says what he means and means what he says. No ambiguity.


Now as far as what people believe.....I think the last year taught us all that it can have little to do with the truth. If your belief aligns with the truth then..... But when your belief does not align with the truth it does not change the truth.... And we circle back to green. LOL 

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Truth - a fact or belief that is accepted as true. (Google/Oxford Languages)    I appreciate that the truth is indisputable.  The color green is green.  In everyday use, truth can mean different things and not be wrong or a lie.  Yesterday, I brought up a term popular when I was in elementary school.  "Gospel truth"  I guess it was like our term for "absolute truth".  As an aside, last night I was watching some US Marine boot camp videos.  There certainly is no disputing the meaning/clarity of words there! 😉

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As much as appreciate a good dictionary I don't always agree with it. For instance Oxford implies the truth has to be accepted to be true. A fact or belief is true only if accepted as true? 


The common sense part of me struggles with that. It would mean things like gravity did not exist before Sir Isaac Newton. The God did not exist before his creation accepted him. 


I do understand however that people like to 'believe' truth is...what shall we say....flexible? It gives one certain latitudes in behavior. Example is the color humanity gives to lies. Culture accepts "little white lies" as being something different from a "bald face lie" or an "out right lie". 


An interesting part of a speech Christ gave to a crowd that included the  Pharisees or religious leaders of the Jews


John 8:44:



"You are from your father the Devil, and you wish to do the desires of your father. That one was a murderer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him. When he speaks the lie, he speaks according to his own disposition, because he is a liar and the father of the lie.


That last part I highlighted bold gave me pause. If Satan is the father of the lie and father means 'life giver' then there was a time before it's birth where we did not consider for one second if something needed acceptance to be true. Where every word was true. This also means that truth is not subject to interpretation, or view point. 


Dad was Army. He use to say something like, "The Army will snatch stupid out of a boy". He would say this sort of thing after you pretended you didn't hear him or understand him. As I got older he did this thing where he would tap me on the arm before speaking and as soon as you made eye contact.....yea....can't say you didn't hear them them, eh? 


Film STRENGTH is fictional


What are Coloumb friction and Stribeck friction? What is the difference  between them? - Quora


Film THICKNESS is real


Three parameters determine film thickness.



There is no variable for STRENGTH!


ANYBODY that says they have a test that can measure the STRENGTH of the FILM missed Lubrication 101. Test such as the Shell 4 ball do not test film STRENGTH nor even thickness. They test the EP/AW additives effectiveness when the film thickness is less than the surface asperity height or missing entirely. 


For there to be a scar at all means the film thickness is less than the asperity height. (Surface roughness).

As these sequences compare many oils of the same SAE grade the only BASE oil dependent variable is removed from the equation. AS load and speed are constant the only remaining thing being tested is the additives. Which ones? The ones capable of creating that glass hard barrier that sacrifices itself to save the base metal. Sulfur, phosphorus and zinc. There is no liquid chemical  capable. Even then only if at the right temperature. 


Lastly all of them fail in these test. The test does not single out one that has zero scar. That means the load applied is far in excess of any load NORMALLY seen in a running street factory motor. It's kind of the point. The machine is a marketing tool not a testing tool. IF it were then the applied load would be that of a 'normal' motor and nearly all oils would pass the test with ZERO scar. 






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Went for a drive late last night after the bustle of hurry home traffic and before sodden drunks emerge. It was stunningly quite. Wind under 3 mph and middle 70's (F). I didn't notice it until I turned off the Interstate and onto a low traffic state road littered with rolling hills and gentle curves and a few small towns without a stop sign one. Perfect for a 45/50 mph stroll on a mild summers eve. At this speed there is zero wind noise over the cabin. 


AND there is was! That sound all the fuss is about? Climbing the small grades placing the motor under light load a very low, almost inaudible, nearly imperceptible 'note' which disappears on the level or down hill runs. I put up the DOD display to see if I could hear this horrid 'helicopter' sound as it switches on and off. I can't feel it so I need an indicator of it's working to signal when and what to listen for.


YEP!..........I got noth 'n kids. 


It took nearly 150K miles of use to get enough tone into the factory pipe to even hear what others talk about as an overly obnoxious helicopter drone of horrific proportions. A sound that sends people to Internet sales dishing out hundreds to rid themselves of this terrible earth shattering noise of the Devil. 


Good Grief Charlie Brown!


That is what has you in a padded cell?

The AFM Boogieman? 

Get a grip




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