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14 hours ago, Donstar said:

Perception is a good word.  Truth, lies and my favorite, "made up facts" impact individuals differently.  Decades ago I worked on a highly divided staff.  Consensus on most topics was a battle.  I remember looking forward to making a funding announcement that would surely please and benefit everyone on staff.  I'd worked with this staff for years and thought I had something they'd all embrace without hesitation.  I was wrong.   I read the majority but my appreciation for my limitations grew.   In this situation, everyone was telling their truth.  As a teenager, I remember getting into a heated argument with a new brother-in-law over the color of a shirt.  He stated his case with such passion that I started to doubt myself and backed away from the debate.  My sister explained to me later that her husband was found to be color blind when in the service but denies their findings!    


Water boils at 212F under standard conditions. Acceleration of gravity 32.174 ft/sec2  at 45 degrees latitude as sea level. truths such as these don't have 'perceptions' they have Points of Reference. Although humans have since the garden of Eden rejected the idea, God is the source for all moral and physical truth. Even the laws of man hint of this. We may argue over what theft is but mans laws on the subject are rooted deeply in Gods law on the matter. His is much more black and white. 


The wavelength of 'primary red' is 428 THz. Yellow 517 THz. Blue 638 THz. Every other color in the visible spectrum precipitates from these three. The truth is the same for a blind man as one sighted. For the educated and the ignorant. Color does not depend on perception, the ability to perceive it does. An argument over what is blue is not an argument about what is true but about what is understood and perceived differently by both observers. I.E. the blue 'spectrum' encompasses the range of wavelength inclusive of 610-670 THz. 


Statistics don't have opinions they have inputs and they have results. Arguments over statistics are not arguments over the math nor the results of calculations. They are over the politics of what data to include that lays outside the agreed rules of it's discipline and the marketing of it results to suit an agenda. Statistics faithfully based on the merits of it's principle discipline is a razor sharp. Enough so to divide reality from a liars wish.


You know what you said, what you've done and you know what you meant. You know what is true in yourself. 


Truth is unchanging and unchangeable. Accepting a truth as such is variable and a choice. Opinions are by definition admissions of ignorance. Lies are a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive for the purpose of illegitimate gain. Our reputation and our character are the result of choices made between what is true and what is a lie. What is honest and what is not. 


Any idea how easy a liar is to spot? 





8 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:


Any idea how easy a liar is to spot? 


This would depend on your perception of what is a lie. ?   A liar is a person who expresses something s/he believes is not true.  A  truth does not need to be so concrete as the temperature of boiling water in prescribed conditions.  I believe it to be true that we all lie.  Most of us lie for innocent reasons and for what we perceive to be in the best interests of another.  Of course, this is so broad and doesn't take much before we question if such a lie is self serving!  There is a difference between being a liar or being wrong.  I don't consider it a lie if I believe the person is saying something he or she honestly believes to be true.  However, the belief that you hold true is often an opinion and this can change.   Politics and Law would be quite different without individuals who say opposite to what they know is correct!

This would depend on your perception of what is a lie. [emoji6]   A liar is a person who expresses something s/he believes is not true.  A  truth does not need to be so concrete as the temperature of boiling water in prescribed conditions.  I believe it to be true that we all lie.  Most of us lie for innocent reasons and for what we perceive to be in the best interests of another.  Of course, this is so broad and doesn't take much before we question if such a lie is self serving!  There is a difference between being a liar or being wrong.  I don't consider it a lie if I believe the person is saying something he or she honestly believes to be true.  However, the belief that you hold true is often an opinion and this can change.   Politics and Law would be quite different without individuals who say opposite to what they know is correct!

A good example. Several doctors said mask wouldn’t help with covid in the beginning. The reason was obvious. There wasn’t enough. Most people knew that was bogus. I could give plenty of those type of examples when lies are beneficial.

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1 hour ago, Donstar said:

This would depend on your perception of what is a lie. ?   A liar is a person who expresses something s/he believes is not true.  A  truth does not need to be so concrete as the temperature of boiling water in prescribed conditions.  I believe it to be true that we all lie.  Most of us lie for innocent reasons and for what we perceive to be in the best interests of another.  Of course, this is so broad and doesn't take much before we question if such a lie is self serving!  There is a difference between being a liar or being wrong.  I don't consider it a lie if I believe the person is saying something he or she honestly believes to be true.  However, the belief that you hold true is often an opinion and this can change.   Politics and Law would be quite different without individuals who say opposite to what they know is correct!

Not much to disagree with here Don. Intention is everything. Think I covered that base: 


10 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Lies are a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive for the purpose of illegitimate gain

No being 'wrong' is not a lie and yes EVERYONE lies and for various reasons. I'm not talking about telling your wife you stopped at the store and telling her they were out of milk instead of the embarrassment, and her ire, of just forgetting to stop. I'm not unfamiliar with the circumstance of getting caught in that lie and being questioned every time there after either. Would have been better to confess and keep the reputation in tact but....flawed and impulsive we all are. Thing is Don some like to use this as an excuse for permission to use a lie freely to their own ends instead of a flaw we all need to work on and be forgiven for. Yes...intention is everything.


Who am I to question God? Roman 3:4 notes New International Version

Not at all! Let God be true, and every human being a liar. As it is written: "So that you may be proved right when you speak and prevail when you judge."


I'm talking about the liar whose purpose is animalistic. You can hurt me with unintentionally or you can hurt me to inflict the greatest damage possible.


Which do you believe is the focus of my post? 







Posted (edited)
14 hours ago, Grumpy Bear said:

Any idea how easy a liar is to spot? 

Can't spot them with your eyes, that would be prejudiced (which is a lie itself).  So what's in the heart comes out of the mouth, I spot them with my ears.

Edited by The Zip
  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, The Zip said:

Can't spot them with your eyes, that would be prejudiced (which is a lie itself).  So what's in the heart comes out of the mouth, I spot them with my ears.


  • 1 month later...


Oil Change Intervals


First question should be why change oil at all. And those answers would be?





Additive depletion

Shear thinning



Most people do not do Used Oil Analysis and as such go by the manufactures recommended values or devices. Both based on some assumptions about your choices and habits and a few others. Some others do use UOA's and take their labs recommendations assuming their word is absolute. A few others could care less and a small number are cynical. I'd be in that last group. 


When you take another's recommendations your are literally assuming their paradigm. Chief among them is their definition of a reasonable 'life time' of service. The OEM is pretty easy to figure. Just past the longest warranty they will extend to their commercial consumers. For gas motors this is not normally longer than 100,000 miles. Even so since the early 2000's this number is considered much closer to 200,000 by the average consumer. Based on better manufacturing solutions. 


Even so, the OEM's take a hit now and again. Example in point the GM Ecotec I4 motor platform and pre 2014 Ecotec3 motors. Failure before the 100,000 mile warranty had GM backing up to a 60,000 mile warranty and extending existing warranties to 150,000 for cases that won civil litigation. Point here is...not very long. And for many drivers this is just fine as they like to trade before warranty expires and let the next fellow worry about it. In these cases following the OEM recommendations will get you to warranty MAYBE?  


Knowing the GM filter specs and oil specs will tell you what the minimum requirement is to meet the OEM goal of punting past the warranty. Knowing the GM studies on wear, filtration and lubrication will also give you a pretty good yard stick for a program that will extend driveline life 2 to 5 fold. But even this is only as good as a timely OCI. Use the best oil and tightest filtration and never change oil?  A good program has several features. 


1.) A good lubricant choice 2.) Great filtration. 3.) Reasonable OCI. 4.) based on UOA and 5.) Reaction to extenuating circumstances.


The only one of these five this thread is worried about is the Oil Change Interval and that number, be it in miles, hours, or gallons of fuel, will depend ALLOT on the other four. The UOA tells you allot of very important things that can help you sort a reasonable value for you. I'm assuming that if your still reading this your not in the "trade it before the warranty expires" group. There are also some things a 'standard' UAO will not tell you because they are not part of a 'standard' test set.


Here's a give me. TBN or total base number. Marine Oils can have an initial TBN of over 70. Diesel oils run 10 to 14 and most gas motor oils range 7.0 to 10.0. These are the new oil values based on ASTM-2896. This is important as your lab will likely run the ASTM-4739 titration instead. This test yields a lower number based on a weaker acid. To reference you can either have a VOA run on your oil of choice or 'assume' the new number is about 2 units lower but..it is an assumption, a guess. 


When your ASTM-4739 result is about 50% of the virgin initial value it's time to change your oil. And yes both Chevron and your lab will tell you differently. Chevron will not give you an value and the lab will tell you anything over 1.0 is good. 


Few labs test both TBN and TAN and NONE trace iron rate to this curve. TBN has an initial sharp drop in value then tappers off considerably until it gets to about 2.0 then drops like a stone in a well. The TAN has an initial value that stays pretty much level until the TBN reaches 50% of new then rises until it crosses the TBN. What happens when they cross is not good. Sludge formation. IF iron were traced as a third you would see that its rate also rises at 50% then takes off at 62%. the point where the TAN and TBN cross. Exact iron wear rate is a function of cylinder hardness and ring face material. 


IF your looking for 100K as your 'lifetime' then who cares. I've literally seen new motors go 100K on the factory fill and filter. 


When I did this tracking using Red Line HP which has a ASTM-4739 value of just under 10, I found that a 5K OCI was in order as the TBN was just under 5 mgKOH/gram (4.88). And yes it will go past 10K before hitting 1 mgKOH/gram. (used TAN was about 2.71) 


Until you know your initial ASTM-4739 TBN and TAN and how your oils formulation and your habits and weather eat that up...who knows????? Test a VOA. Have just a TBN run every 2000 miles and see where she falls compared to virgin. That's your ideal OCI. 


Special case history. Wife's 2.4. I change oil every 2500. I've been asked why? Because the breather system is awful on these motors and this one plugs frequently leaving allot of water in the oil in the winter. The intake manifold pull and orifice rod is a $500 job. Go back to the list. A white foamy snot will appear in the filler cap around 3% moisture and that amount of water is taboo if you like you bearings.  


Oil Change Intervals II


ZDDP. We think of it as Zinc Dialkyl Dithiophosphates or that stuff that keeps metal parts from touching other metal parts when oil films are to thin to prevent contact. Well for a few decades now and on the QT it, like many words, has changed meaning to that of any of a class of EP additives. Since API Service class SH actual concentrations of Phosphorus and by default Zinc, have by rule of law been falling. 


Funny thing about ZDDP is that addition to motor oil was not originally intended to serve this purpose. It is actually and primarily an oxidation inhibitor. THE primary inhibitor and as levels are now maximized in the USA at 800 ppm and with a established minimum now of 600 ppm for certain grades. For API grades 0W-16, 5W-16, 0W-20, 0W-30, 5W-20, and 5W-30 the maximum has been lowered to 500 ppm save 10W30 with a new ceiling of 600 ppm. Further there has been an addition to the API service class phosphorus requirement since the SN+ specification that during testing it retain 70% of it's initial value. Fun fact. California has in the works to ban the use of ZDDP! 


There are a host of new test that for the most part focus on reduced deposits. Fun thing is they are purely observe and report at this point. Guess what the hour limit is on these test? 125 service hours! At an average of 40 mph based on miles/hours this is a test sequence that has a terminal point of 5K miles. National average speed based on this metric is 32 mph or 4,000 miles. 


Here's the problem. ZDDP puts the plate down but the calcium takes it off (TBN additive). It's a trick for a blender to balance the ratios. Then there is the fact that LSPI requirements are driving down calcium concentrations. Magnesium is the normal replacement. Boron and some amines are slowly replacing Zinc... It is getting harder and more expensive to maintain this balance. Current oils would kill a 60's motor in very short order. We hang on by our nails. 


The GM Dexos specs while well intended complicate the process by narrowing the 'allowed' base oils and lower NOACK limits that demand what even a Group III+ has difficulty delivering. 


Don't look now kids but the now new SP classification hasn't got the legs to make it 5K OCI's a reasonable number using the DEXOS specs. 


Based on a VOA of 1165 Phosphorus and a UOA of 800 ppm the retention at 5000 miles was 68.7%. Right under the minimum retention. Ditto on the Calcium VOA 3325 ppm UOA 2185 ppm, also 68.7%

TBN was right at 50% of VOA as well.


People can tell me I waste money and resources changing oils like Red Line and AMSOIL every 5K but the test results support the decision.


Now...Does this answer the questions and comments on my changing Dexos1 Gen2 oils at 2500 to 3000 miles well enough? (COSTCO Kirkland in Sugar Bears 2.4 for reference)


My lab tried to convince me that my motor (Pepper) was at fault...yea...NOT.  


So we can add a 30% reduction in EP and Acid package as triggers for a change along with 50% reduction in lab VOA TBN OR a minimum of 5 IF the local lab TBN exceeds 10 mg KOH/g OR TBN-TAN is less than 1 mg KOH/g. Water over 1,000 ppm. Fuel dilution, antifreeze....contamination, right? 


What's my point? Rules of thumb...wishful thinking...bold advertisements...manufactures suggestions or OLM's? All driven by EPA requirements with include both ever lower limits and a wish for longer OCI's (waste minimization) IT got nothing to do with protecting  your equipment. That folks you have to do for yourself. 






Oil Change Intervals III


I like cooking for a small group. 


Why does motor oil degrade so much faster than transmission fluid? Go on, I'll give you a minute. 


Combustion byproducts. Now riddle me this. What creates more combustion byproducts; 1.5 liter NA DPI 100 hp. motor powering a 2500 pound import getting 40 mpg OR a 6 liter NA GDI powering a 6,000 pound box car of a truck getting 17 mpg?


The industry offsets this a bit by increasing oil volume in the sump but it is still lacking sufficient volume to pull that off the way most drive. What should be obvious is that one burns more fuel than the other and burnt fuel are the source of combustion byproducts, right? 


So now lets dig a bit deeper. A guy like me drives in a way that maximizes fuel efficiency and on average I burn about one half as much fuel as the next Silverado on the block. Which way produces few byproducts? 


Fuel dilution. It happens in spades for GDI motors and is cause is cold starts. When I drive as I do my average cold motor trip length is roughly 100 miles. My neighbor who works close to home averages maybe 10 miles per cold start. 


Water vapor dilution. Again a cold start, short hop problem you can apply the above situation too. 


Getting the point across? IN what universe can a manufacture or a service center or a magazine publisher say OCI's are 7,500 miles? (Pick whatever number you think they say and don't argue about it). 


Truth is 7,500 works fine for my Honda. 5,000 works for Pepper and 2,500 for the cripple in the stable. 5,000 OCI's with a Dexos 1 oil is the tool used to cripple the cripple. :wtf: 2,500 short of the OLM!! 


So Annual protection oil and 20K filters? Not in the universe I live in. Maybe in yours.


What other factors can one use?   


What news! GM ditching the 4.3 and 6 speed. Well lets see GM.


1.) You dumped the 3800.

2.) Buick & Cadillac cars.

3.) RCSB pickups

4.) A great 6 speed

5.) and now what was, IMHO, the best of the Ecotec Gen 5 litter of pups, the LV3

6.) Wait....and going electric. 


I think this means GM and I are headed for a divorce. I get to keep the dogs!!!

  • 4 weeks later...



Anyone beside me miss this guy? Likely the best tuner we had on this site and run off by ignorant beast like individuals who think that they have succeeded. And they have in eliminating this sites GREAT resource. Good job!! Hat's off. Be proud of yourselves. You lower the bar constantly. 


There is a reason I have a long list of "ignored' jackasses. 



Prove it! 


It's almost always said as a taunt. Oxford says of the word taunt: to "provoke or challenge (someone) with insulting remarks".


In it's history is the French saying "tant pour tant" or tit for tat as we say more commonly. It would seem that you've offended them. Can the truth be an offence? Is it not more embarrassing than an offense? 


Still, more will be required of you. A the terse challenge, "Prove it"! Evidently a statement will be insufficient in it's task. Why? No one ever says "Prove It" is such tone to a person they hold in esteem. A person they would willing summit to as to having more knowledge on that topic than themselves. They do not regard you as a knowledgeable person. A thought worth is knowing me thinks.  


The response then is to provoke you with an insulting remark to draw you into a fight they believe they can win in hopes of vindicating themselves. This is a person lacking the humility to accept they might be wrong and could improve themselves with another's insights. Immature. 


 Well then, there it is straight away, isn't it? They will not say, "I'm embarrassed, please show me"!! They prefer a fight. Oh my!!



This taunt has told you in two words they do not regard you or your knowledge. They prefer to remain ignorant. They are looking for a fight.


So...is it a fight you need to win? Is it a fight you even need to engage in? 


Here's the thing. Proof is only required of me...IF... it is important TO ME that I convince you. 

Proof is only accepted by the humble.  


If the answer is yes it says one of two things about me; either this need I have to convince you will somehow benefit me or someone important to me OR my lack of humility is showing. Yea....


Why would I care one way or the other to offer a proof to anyone who holds me in such low regard? 



A person who really REALLY wants to know a thing is ever more humble in their request. 



  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Road Speed and Death




Take the time to digest the information.


1.) 1/3 of all fatal accidents are the direct result of speeding.

This is 5% higher than the rate of USA alcohol related motor vehicle deaths!

2.) 2/3 of all Traffic Deaths in Germany happen on the no speed limit zones of the Autobahn

3.) Although the Autostrada of Poland is only 93 miles long it's death rate is nearly double the rest of ALL Europe. 

4.) Stuart Highway of the North Territory of Australia has a death rate per capita 3X higher than the rest of the nation. 

The North Territory accounts for only 17.5% of Australia's entire population

5.) Arizona Route 79 is 39 miles long. Has a speed limit of 75 mph. But the average speed of ALL traffic is 87-90 mph.

It records a traffic death every 11 hours. 


I'm going to remember this post and site it every time someone tells me it is drivers doing 10 under that are killing everyone. 


6.) Texas 130 and it's 85 mph speed limit seems relatively safe. No one drives it with it's $8 toll charge for out of state plates. That's one way to keep death down on unlimited roads. Tax them until the avoid that section of road. 😉 


7.) https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2016/09/05/americas-road-safety-record-is-the-worst-in-the-rich-world


THE USA HAS THE HIGHEST ROAD DEATH RATE IN THE DEVELOPED WORLD per 100,000 population and ranks 4th in deaths per 100m miles driven. IN THE WORLD. 


Know what I love about this? This isn't a statistical 'sampling' extrapolated.

These ARE the results for the entire 7.2 BILLION people living on this planet. 






Edited by Grumpy Bear

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