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Has anyone had any problems with the plastic rear wheel liners in a way that they feel salt and mud get behind the liners and cause the metal to rust?


I know some people said they do spray in liner in the wheel wells first then put the liners in but is there anything a little cheaper to do before putting in liners to prevent furture rusting?




before I installed mine I put a coat of the thick rust check on the wheel wells(the green can) also there are three round plastic plugs in the top of the wheel wells,before I installed mine I removed one so I could take out the tail lights in the spring and flush out the box panell,by removing one my thoughts were that when I did this it would also help to flush out any debries from between the wheel well and the liner,and no so far no rust problems.I did remove one after having it on for about six months to see if there was much dirt in there and to my surprise it was relativly clean and the rust check was still there.


Im not to familier with this stuff so can you clarrify or shoot me a link of what your talking about with the "thick rust check" "green can"


Thanks Travis


I live in minnesota is there any companys that would sell this product? i have searched online but really didn't find much on there besides there site and it doesn't appear you can buy it off there


I have the liners on my Z71, given I don't see tons of snow/salt I was curious what got behind there if anything... after taking the truck offroad and driving thru a few streams that were up to the bottom of the doors I pulled them out to see. Aside from the very edge it appeared nothing got behind there, but I guess it couldn't hurt to be extra careful.


I live in minnesota is there any companys that would sell this product? i have searched online but really didn't find much on there besides there site and it doesn't appear you can buy it off there



You can also get 3M rubberized undercoating spray. Spray the inside of the wheel wells, and install the liners, if you're worried about them rusting. Most auto parts stores (Advance, Auto Zone, O'Rielly's, Pep Boys, etc) and WalMart sells it down here.




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