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Home/Radio Screen - wondering about something

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So I figured out a way to move the “camera” app location so it’s on the main screen when I hit the little home logo. But my question is, I would really like to move it down where the blue radio , yellow phone, green nav, and red climate images are. That way I would have quicker access to my cameras. I get that over time I would get use to hitting home, but it would be nice to press one button and I get what I need. 


11 hours ago, steve841 said:

I’d love that too!


Heck, how’d you do step one?

When you go to the home screen and see all of the apps, go to the second page and push the camera logo but don't let go with your finger. Take it all the way to the left side of the screen and it will move to the first page. Put it where you want it as I liked it all the way to the left on the bottom so I could access it without having to move out of my seat position to much by leaning forward. Then you can arrange the icons where you want using the same process. 


I REALLY hope a future software update gives us a shorter short cut or favorite for the camera.  A hard button would have been ideal but that ship has left. 

On 12/13/2018 at 8:48 PM, cltsig said:

I REALLY hope a future software update gives us a shorter short cut or favorite for the camera.  A hard button would have been ideal but that ship has left. 

I'm sure someone somewhere objected to having a camera button so accessible. An attorney strikes my mind. 


Thanks for the tip ...   Previously I tried deleting the icon rather than moving to another screen.


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