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Annoying humming noise

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Left for work today at 2, hit the ac and when I hit the recirc. button it started to make a humming noise almost drove me nuts also does it with the heater the vent with everything but more so with recirc. but I have no clue. Help please :angry:

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i had a sheet of about an inch thick of frost.  I had to get the scraper out.  Got a pretty good size ice ball from that


GRRR cant wait till we get a blizzard

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I have been reading posts about Sand tubes and 4WD.


Now they're talking about Ice Sheets?  Yall aren't getting chilly up north eh?


Standing Offer:  My Charter Boat is Vacant all winter.  Anybody willing to make arrangements ahead of time can camp out there (for nothing) and enjoy our coast and casinos. Fish & Guests stink after 3 days so....All I ask is that you wash your own linens/towels.


Air Conditioned bunkroom.  Water, fridge & Shower.

(It's like staying in a large motorhome cept you're in the water).






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