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Houseing development rules.


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Was at a friends up in Maryland just outside of DC and learned that the houseing development that he lived in didn't allow pickup's to be parked in the driveway. You either had to put it in the garage or park it outside the development along the road. I didn't want to get him in trouble but at the same time it made me feel good that my truck was parked outside his house.


Now what kind of home owners association does it take to come up with this rule?  Seems to me that there are a ton of truck owners out there that have trucks way nicer than some of the home owners cars. I just don't understand the mentality of some of these people.


I know of another development that is gated, and you are not allowed to drive throught the front gate with your truck.  You have to use the back gate.  I guess if you have an old 78 primered TransAM with wide tires and jacked up rear end it is ok to park in the development but a shiny new Z71 fresh from the dealer just doesn't promote a good image?  Just doesn't make sense to me.


Nothing beats living in a small one light town.  :thumb:

Just heard last night on the news that there is a town in Florida, a whole town, that doesn't allow pickups in driveways and is getting ready to pass a law banning SUV's and Minivans also.  THat seems like a load of crap to me.  I don't see where they can do that.  But you can bet if I lived there I sure as heck would be moving. :flag:

I live in a s*%tty town (outside of Durham, in Durham we could get away w/ this) where the truck has to be inside.  Can't leave it in the driveway for a long time or work on it.  Pisses me off to no end.  


It is discrimination IMO.  A lot of people's livelyhood depends on their truck and they should be allowed to park it in their own driveway.  HOA doesn't do any good.

thank god i live in Texas...

No kidding... on the other hand, I think cars are banned where I am.   :flag:


Just heard last night on the news that there is a town in Florida, a whole town, that doesn't allow pickups in driveways and is getting ready to pass a law banning SUV's and Minivans also.  THat seems like a load of crap to me.  I don't see where they can do that.  But you can bet if I lived there I sure as heck would be moving. :crackup:


Celebrity Florida


It is a disney developement I think.  Every one has to have white pickett fences, no alcohol, etc, etc.  They are all little Nazi organizations.   :crackup:

When I was in high school my family had to rent a condo while we were building our new house.  They didn't allow trucks there, either.  Funny thing was, I drove a brown '79 Pontiac Catalina (it was 1989 at the time) with no hubcaps, dents on every body panel, 191,000 miles, and wasn't washed in the three years I owned it, and that was fine to park in the driveway.  My brother and dad, however, eached owned brand-new GMC Z-71s that they kept spotless at all times.  They were made to park in the "maintenance area" as they were deemed eyesores.

todd11231 Posted on April 24 2003,2:41


now i know i said i was glad i live in Texas...just to clarify that does NOT include austin!!!!!!!!!!!  


No kidding, I live thirty miles from there, #### hippies... Thank god I got to college in East TX otherewise I might go crazy!!!!




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