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Hi All,
I've scoured the forums, and have tried some of the ideas with similar symptoms, but of course, I can find nothing exactly like mine.

2004 Silverado 1500 5.3L. Recent snow storm resulted in not starting the truck for several weeks, and the battery died.

I ended up jumping and getting it to the auto parts store. The whole drive, the DIC was all green squares, and none of the gauges worked (but the lights did). I replaced the battery, and I suspect the ~10 minutes disconnecting the battery "reset" the gauge. Worked fine on the drive home.

About a week later, I hooked up a 4wire trailer, and returned, leaving the trailer attached as I parked. The next day I went out and started the truck, the symptoms were back: All green squares in DIC and the gauge LIGHTS worked, but no actual movement of the gauges. I went back and unplugged the 4wire trailer, shut off and turned on the truck, and all was well.

So at this phase, I was suspecting a wiring/grounding issue with my 7wire/4pin harness. With the trailer disconnected, the gauges worked fine.

I let the truck sit for a couple days, did not connect a trailer or change anything from the last time I drove (when all was well) and the issue has re-presented itself.

The major issue is that the green DIC lights will not go off. I'm having to pull the fuse to avoid them entirely draining the new battery.

Some notes about my circumstance:
-Cluster was professionally rebuilt by reputable service in 2020 - all steppers replaced
-the cruise control stopped working late last year; the odd thing is it WOULD WORK if a 7pin trailer was attached. Weird.
-I've checked the grounding as best as I can with a lift right now, but it seems more like a parasitic draw somewhere, or power backfeeding from somewhere
I've checked the instrument panel fuse and have replaced it, although it was not blown. No change to issue

I would appreciate any help or clues on where to look next. Picture attached is with the keys out of ignition. The lights are just on eternally =(


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