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Driveline Clunk/ Transmission 1-2 Shudder update.

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I took my Z in on Tues.  to the dealer to fix the driveline clunk problem i've been having, as well as the 1-2 trans shudder.  They couldn't duplicate the transmission prob, so i'm going to have to keep on them I guess.  They did find the TSB on the clunk and had to order a nickel plated slip yoke to correct it.  Unfortunately these are on back order and it could be a few more weeks.  



On a side note, I had my alignment checked since I cranked the T-bars back in July, it was off enough to need adjustment, so if you crank em'  get it looked at.


Thanks for the update.  I tell ya, the dealer can never duplicate any of the problems.  As for the alignment, it's kind of up in the air, some end up being off and others aren't.  I for one think that they may have been off from the factory.  I cranked mine, but I didn't get an alignment since I would be lifting the truck within the next year, so I figure why waste the 50 bucks.  If my tires end up shot, oh well, I'd be getting rid of them in a year.


Thanks very much for the update.  My '01 just started what I am pretty sure ins the "slip yoke" clunk.  Please let us all know when you get your nickel plated slip yoke installed.  I'm curious to see if it solves the problem.


I called the dealership today just because i'm an impatient kinda guy. Anyway still no yoke yet i'll let you guys know if it works out.


What is the 1-2 trans shudder?

I took off from a red light this morning and if I am correct the tranny did not know if it wanted to be in first or second.

Never felt it before today and only once.


Quote from lahanko, posted on Nov. 12 2001,5:37

What is the 1-2 trans shudder?

I took off from a red light this morning and if I am correct the tranny did not know if it wanted to be in first or second.

Never felt it before today and only once.


That sounds more like the problem Ryan is having.  The 1-2 shudder is more of a "shake"  when the trans shifts from 1st to 2nd.


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