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They paid all loans back in FULL even if it was not too your satisfaction.  That being said, they need to be in a position to not need to take out loans. 

Posted (edited)
On 9/16/2019 at 6:04 PM, muddkatt said:

Since we are going to stoke the fire, here is my $0.02. Both the workers AND the CEO is overpaid! I agree with the unions in keeping the US plants open. Hell, they need to reopen some closed ones and move production for the Silverado out of Mexico. Only 8 billion in profit last year...pathetic right? How about lowering the cost of cars and trucks and only make a billion. The workers need to get back to work and be damn glad they have a $63.00 per hour job.

Wow so uninformed, I retired in 15 from GM,  I never ever made $63 and hour. Which works out to 131,000 a yr which I never made. get your facts str8 before telling lies, with benefits maybe but never $63 an hr.

Edited by rowdydog
9 hours ago, rowdydog said:

Wow so uninformed, I retired in 15 from GM,  I never ever made $63 and hour. Which works out to 131,000 a yr which I never made. get your facts str8 before telling lies, with benefits maybe but never $63 an hr.

I got that number from one of the articles on the strike . It may have been including benefits, but is still a damn good wage and benefit package. I have no reason to make up lies  about what they make and do not personally know anyone that works there to verify what is published on the net.


Right don't know anyone or never worked there yourself , so u know have no inside knowledge, now I understand, let me tell u, unless you've done then jobs I've have had to do, you don't get an OPINION, I am 59 and struggle with health issues from those jobs, so don't talk to me about overpaid.

14 minutes ago, j-ten-ner said:

...but yet, you took the money...


so long


I took no ones money I worked for it, taking the money means someone gave it to u , I didn't take a ****ing thing, I earned, its people like you need to get off thinking u know whats what.. MIKE DROP.. I am done with this post



All threads prove one thing,

We all have an opinion and opinions are like $$$$, we all have one.



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Posted (edited)

Unions were needed 100 years ago to fight for for workers safety and benefits. Now every full-time job provides some basic level of benefits and we have OSHA to worry about safety. What is a union doing to contribute to society in 2019?


Most workers are paid according to their replacement cost. Think teachers are underpaid? quit graduating so many every year. There is no reason a school needs to offer any more pay when they have 50 applications for an opening. UAW is fighting to keep their relevancy in a time when any high school dropout could walk in the door and learn the job in 2 weeks. You have old timers who think they deserve more, but they couldn't find any other job in the private sector with close to the same compensation, so they fight HARD to keep what they have. At the same time Mexican workers would kill to have a job that paid $15/ hour. You wonder why corporations close factories in the USA.


I understand why they want to strike, just don't expect any sympathy from the other 90% of us who had to find work outside of a union. I wish I could have been born a generation earlier and drive my Harley to my 7-3 union job every day, but life isn't so simple anymore.

Edited by aseibel
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6 hours ago, rowdydog said:

Right don't know anyone or never worked there yourself , so u know have no inside knowledge, now I understand, let me tell u, unless you've done then jobs I've have had to do, you don't get an OPINION, I am 59 and struggle with health issues from those jobs, so don't talk to me about overpaid.

I am 60 and never worked a day for a union.  Got hurt at work when I was 31, career ending, they retrained me, got a new career and worked at career until the next disc went, now I am unemployable, yet managed to pay off a house on my own, save a few dollars to make it alright financially, and am still entitled to financial "back pay" no pun intended.  I managed that without a unions hand in my pocket for every hour worked.  Imagine the look on your locals president or whatever his title is face if your local decided the union wasn't needed and all the guys in your local will get an immediate raise.  There is a completely different world out here, join us, the waters fine.


Have you ever compared a "union" and "communism"? 

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11 hours ago, rowdydog said:

I took no ones money I worked for it, taking the money means someone gave it to u , I didn't take a ****ing thing, I earned, its people like you need to get off thinking u know whats what.. MIKE DROP.. I am done with this post


Didn't say you didn't work for it.

You're blaming your job for the health issues you have now.

But the pay was lucrative enough that you chose the money over your health.

And now you're complaining.


so long



I never complained, just saying that work or any kind of work like it leaves a lasting health benefits no matter what you do on any job in manufacturing or labor you point out any guy that does tile or that kind of work doesn't have knee and back problems they do it because the money is good yes but just to drop one job and go to another because that doesn't make sense, don't have a college degree didn't need one I work with guys that quit teaching to work for GM for the money never sued GM for any money because of my aches and pains will never do that I knew the risk. And society today you have brainiacs politicians, techies, laborers somebody's got to do the labor work if you want to drive a car somebody's got to build it, all these people going to get college degrees can't find job because there's not job for college graduates, this country needs plumbers pipefitters construction framers concrete all that stuff I never complained about my job just don't like when somebody tells me we make too much money for doing

On 9/27/2019 at 7:33 AM, rowdydog said:

Right don't know anyone or never worked there yourself , so u know have no inside knowledge, now I understand, let me tell u, unless you've done then jobs I've have had to do, you don't get an OPINION, I am 59 and struggle with health issues from those jobs, so don't talk to me about overpaid.

What do you mean that I don't get an opinion? Did you read the title of the article? Did you read the content where John ask "Who do you support?" along with "Where do you stand?"

You have no idea of what type of work I have done. Let me assure you that I was not born with a silver spoon and worked for everything I got. My first REAL job was working in the Gulf of Mexico on a drilling rig. No unions, some weeks working 148 hours. There is only 164 hours in the week, so figure out how much sleep we got. Fast forwarding a few years with the oil field stacked nearly all the rigs, I worked at a sawmill making plywood. They had both union and non-union plants. The plant I worked for was non-union, had the same exact benefits as the union, and paid us more to keep the union out. For the last 25 years I have been self employed doing construction.


Lets look at it from another angle. I personally have bought over 30 GM vehicles in my life. Each and every one cost more as time progressed. They also went toward paying YOUR salary and benefits. You see, I do get a vote with my check book. To be totally honest I have been thinking of switching brands next time based off of my brothers results of another brand. I will at least go test drive the competition at the very least.


I know one man that worked in a union job. He worked his whole life in the steel mill, retired at 65, and the mill closed down afterwards. His monthly pension check went from 4 figures, to about 125 per month. He is now in his 90's and has to depend on his children to pay his bills each month. If GM goes under (again), or if they decide to move all the plants to Mexico, Brazil, etc. then nearly 50K workers will be out of work. The good thing is that Walmart is always hiring, starting at about $11.00 per hour.


There’s suppliers now down the food chain being affected by this strike. People who don’t have the benefit of artificially high paying union jobs. Who can’t afford losing weeks of pay, especially this close to the holidays. Way too go. I worked at a scale job with union pay before going in business. Assembling coal mining trucks. I was smart enough to bank the difference. Not to long after I moved on they moved. I often wonder what happened to long term employees who got used to that pay. I can see the writing on the wall. Changes in leadership come and go. After that change GM and others will resume their exodus moving plants to where labor is cheaper. As it goes. People who don’t learn from the sins of the past are doomed to repeat.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On 9/23/2019 at 6:04 PM, fleabus said:

that is hardly a problem with unions. that is a problem with individual employees. i know of no union that advocates employees becoming intoxicated while on the job. 

No one was advocating anything.  But a hidden camera report some years back (don't remember when/where etc) showed usage and all kept their jobs.  I agree its an employee problem but it's also a time when the union should have told them they no longer deserved their protection.  

2 hours ago, 68camaro said:

No one was advocating anything.  But a hidden camera report some years back (don't remember when/where etc) showed usage and all kept their jobs.  I agree its an employee problem but it's also a time when the union should have told them they no longer deserved their protection.  

That was at a Chrysler plant.  The workers were fired, filed a grievance with the union and back on the job 2 years later.  Easy to locate on Google.  It was a news team that caught them, and they broadcasted the undercover sting.  

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