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The difference between overpriced CEOs and the rest. Is the same as a public defender and OJs lawyers after the acquittal. Perception. Half the battle is won just by walking in the room. Respect, winners, priceless. Money.

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Posted (edited)

Screw them unions all they worry about is your dues, there making like 68 bucks an hour with great benefits and they want more. There making somewhere like 90,000 grand a year with no overtime and the bottom line is they just past the cost on to there vehicles and the public me and you pay it. Yeah they made profit that's good cause without that they will not be able to reinvest in the equipment or the business and not be able to get stock holders to invest also.


All unions worry about is them and not you if they would lose GM or any manufacture think about the money the union would lose. So yeah the union is still getting there money while the workers are not and in the end who pays? We do. Unions are slowly killing this country. Iam done as I iam getting pissed.


That profit isn't really a lot considering what it cost to run the company and reinvest in the company. 

Edited by Silverado4x4
1 hour ago, Silverado4x4 said:

Screw them unions all they worry about is your dues, there making like 68 bucks an hour with great benefits and they want more. There making somewhere like 90,000 grand a year with no overtime and the bottom line is they just past the cost on to there vehicles and the public me and you pay it. Yeah they made profit that's good cause without that they will not be able to reinvest in the equipment or the business and not be able to get stock holders to invest also.


All unions worry about is them and not you if they would lose GM or any manufacture think about the money the union would lose. So yeah the union is still getting there money while the workers are not and in the end who pays? We do. Unions are slowly killing this country. Iam done as I iam getting pissed.


That profit isn't really a lot considering what it cost to run the company and reinvest in the company. 

Where in the world are you getting these numbers from? $68 dollars an hour? Legacy workers max out around $40/hr and the post-2007 workers max out around $30. So $60-80k. New hires start at a measly $17/hr.

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Greed, all around.  The C-suite AND the UAW management.  Who is stuck in the middle?  The consumer (You, I, and the union workers busting ass to float all this).  Without a hard reset, this country is doomed.  In our quest as a country to maintain top dog status we have become blinded.  Yes, profits, year over year growth, and modest inflation are important, but that should stem from increased demand due to accessibility and innovation...not corner cutting and over inflated prices, which further compound the problem with wages as we fight to continue to afford the things we want/need.


When is enough enough?  $21m/yr is excessive.  It is a hard job, but that is enough money a year to cover neighborhoods of families' living expenses.  So is $60k a year to work a mindless job on a plant floor when the median household income for our country is $50kish.  Yes there is pecking order.  The entry level should make entry level wages and up the ladder you go, but the spread in pay is astounding and excessive, further compounding the problems we face as those in power do not want admit that less could in fact mean more for this country as a whole.


I'm sickened sitting in my cubicle listening to the C suite chatter with the finance and accounting teams about cutting this, cutting that, overloading their remaining worker bees and artificially manipulating their stock prices.  How about put some skin in the game, show you are suffering with the group and cut your own wages to a more modest, yet still comfortable level.  The moral boost and, to a degree, guilt felt by the remaining work force could carry any company through the hardest of times. Lead by example. 


Well since we all abhor socialism, and rightfully so, we only have one option as the American consumer.  Vote with our wallets and stay vocal.  Do not feed the beast by purchasing foreign made.  Do not support the top heavy C-suite, shareholder first, attitude.  Show that what we want are products built by Americans, ones not held hostage by a unions because they don't need to be, because they are recognized and treated fairly by the companies they serve. Men and women proud to work because they know they are part of a team which has their back.  This can reverse the deadly path we have been wandering now for far too long.  

Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Buckshot556 said:

Greed, all around.  The C-suite AND the UAW management.  Who is stuck in the middle?  The consumer (You, I, and the union workers busting ass to float all this).  Without a hard reset, this country is doomed.  In our quest as a country to maintain top dog status we have become blinded.  Yes, profits, year over year growth, and modest inflation are important, but that should stem from increased demand due to accessibility and innovation...not corner cutting and over inflated prices, which further compound the problem with wages as we fight to continue to afford the things we want/need.


When is enough enough?  $21m/yr is excessive.  It is a hard job, but that is enough money a year to cover neighborhoods of families' living expenses.  So is $60k a year to work a mindless job on a plant floor when the median household income for our country is $50kish.  Yes there is pecking order.  The entry level should make entry level wages and up the ladder you go, but the spread in pay is astounding and excessive, further compounding the problems we face as those in power do not want admit that less could in fact mean more for this country as a whole.


I'm sickened sitting in my cubicle listening to the C suite chatter with the finance and accounting teams about cutting this, cutting that, overloading their remaining worker bees and artificially manipulating their stock prices.  How about put some skin in the game, show you are suffering with the group and cut your own wages to a more modest, yet still comfortable level.  The moral boost and, to a degree, guilt felt by the remaining work force could carry any company through the hardest of times. Lead by example. 


Well since we all abhor socialism, and rightfully so, we only have one option as the American consumer.  Vote with our wallets and stay vocal.  Do not feed the beast by purchasing foreign made.  Do not support the top heavy C-suite, shareholder first, attitude.  Show that what we want are products built by Americans, ones not held hostage by a unions because they don't need to be, because they are recognized and treated fairly by the companies they serve. Men and women proud to work because they know they are part of a team which has their back.  This can reverse the deadly path we have been wandering now for far too long.  


“Every time you spend money, you're casting a vote for the kind of world you want."

Anna Lappe 


so long


Edited by j-ten-ner
20 hours ago, Mandalorian said:


They're focusing on profit over volume. Most of the cuts to marketshare are the result of slowing down fleet sales. GM used to be the butt of jokes for making mediocre rental cars, they're trying to change that.

Oh I know they're focusing on profits, the price vs quality is proof of that.  The question is, why are you, the consumer, ok with that? Seems that would make share holders happy but not buyers.  They are gouging more than their competitors.  


They do make some good stuff.  But man, the t1xx trucks are such a let down and the cost cutting is too much.  


When I started working for my dads company in the early 70s it seemed most people were happy. The best operators were paid more and respected. They all relentlessly prank me for awhile, the owners son. They soon noticed I started at the bottom just like them and it let up. Lunch times and coffee break was fun, no jealousy or tension. They all new how hard my father worked to build his company. The original hires were still with him. The respect was tremendous. That’s the story of most companies out there. The risk takers run companies and are leaders. In this country that could be anyone. The same could be said for people who are born with talent. Isn’t it amusing that people never complain about talents pay or wealth. Their pay directly affects what you pay to see them. Games or concerts. In fact the more they get paid, the more people flocked. It’s a lot easier for the average person to advance through their job. Hard work and enthusiasm, no talent needed.

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Most workers never make that much. Most workers don’t get such great benefits. To get both, then stike  for more is bullshit. Get back to work, I’ll be one to come and take your job from you as you pace the sidewalk. Get real , do you think you really personally deserve that much wage, no, just doing what the idiot union bosses are telling you. Call your BA, how much does he make? Right?

12 hours ago, NWI Denali said:

Where in the world are you getting these numbers from? $68 dollars an hour? Legacy workers max out around $40/hr and the post-2007 workers max out around $30. So $60-80k. New hires start at a measly $17/hr.

That sounds like he is using the numbers that include benefits, or the cost per employee number given at board meetings.  There are numbers missing from the unions propaganda, like how much are the wages for those union admin jobs, or the top nut sack of the UAW?  If you are going call out the CEO for the pay she is getting, how about posting the wages for the UAW president as an example for how much a top earner should earn.  Then post what those union execs do to earn that wage for the 200 weeks prior to asking for raises.  The only time you hear a peep from the union upper execs is when they step in to keep some guy from getting fired for doing something that no non union worker would ever do, and even then its not the execs stepping up, it is some union rep.  The need for unions ended back in the era after WWII.  The government stepped in and created all the work place safety laws, not your local union.  Give the union dues back to the workers, in addition to any fees the publicly owned company is paying the union execs,   

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Certain unions are needed. I don't believe UAW is one of them.


One of the reasons why GM failed, was all the concessions they had to give to the UAW. They finally got back to a good footing when they were able to reduce their labor costs by emerging as a different company. But to be like "Nothings the way it was before!!" Yeah, it's not. Because in order to let you keep your job, the company has to exist in the first place.


If GM has to keep paying more and more to UAW workers every year, they'll keep trying to move more and more manufacturing out of the US. Especially with all the steel tariffs and whatnot coming down.

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48 minutes ago, Doug_Scott said:

That sounds like he is using the numbers that include benefits, or the cost per employee number given at board meetings.  There are numbers missing from the unions propaganda, like how much are the wages for those union admin jobs, or the top nut sack of the UAW?  If you are going call out the CEO for the pay she is getting, how about posting the wages for the UAW president as an example for how much a top earner should earn.  Then post what those union execs do to earn that wage for the 200 weeks prior to asking for raises.  The only time you hear a peep from the union upper execs is when they step in to keep some guy from getting fired for doing something that no non union worker would ever do, and even then its not the execs stepping up, it is some union rep.  The need for unions ended back in the era after WWII.  The government stepped in and created all the work place safety laws, not your local union.  Give the union dues back to the workers, in addition to any fees the publicly owned company is paying the union execs,   

Well said Doug and that is what iam saying, of course the unions want the employees to strike for more pay so that's more money for the unions, but like I said the bottom line is we as a consumer will pay in the end for higher price vehicles. GM, Ford, Dodge etc will pass the extra cost of raises etc to us.


Does any here work for a union?  I voted no to strike as I need to pay the bills, that vote wasn't the majority ...  were not all lazy.

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I never have worked for a union, in general, from the stories of folks I know in unions (UPS and Lockhead) they are a way to keep shitty employees from getting fired permanently. 


Drunk UPS driver who was arrested on the clock... back at work

Mechanic who slept on his tool box for 7 hours straight after clocking in... back at work

Supervisor looking up porn and jerking it in his office mid-day... back at work

Employee that didn't show or call for 10 days... back at work

Worker on camera spending 5 hours of his shift in the break room in 1 day.... back at work



I work a "city job" and most folks think city employees are lazy, and sometimes they are, but every time I talk to someone who has been in a union about the crazy union stuff they've seen, I think "damn, the city folks can't even touch that!"

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On 9/17/2019 at 10:10 AM, Joe98 said:

$21 M a year .  You’re kidding right ?   Absolutely criminal....

How about 30 plus million a year to throw or hit a ball. How about 60 plus million a year to play pretend in front of a camera. This is how it is, people get paid what someone else thinks they are worth.

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