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2015 High Country 2500 Build Page

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When you replaced your third break light and rear tail light bulbs did you notice any issues with your LED lights in your mirrors. I replaced my bulbs in my tail lights, and 3rd brake light and it caused issues with my LED lights. They would only work every now and then when turned on. Mostly my passenger side one which would not always come on or just light up a little. I see from your picture that the driver side mirror is bright and the passenger side is dull. I had to go back stock on the third brake light.

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do you happen to have the bulb #'s you used for the cargo, backup, and tail light leds? Did you have any issue with the backup lights from the stupid diffuser gm has covering the backup lense?

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When you replaced your third break light and rear tail light bulbs did you notice any issues with your LED lights in your mirrors. I replaced my bulbs in my tail lights, and 3rd brake light and it caused issues with my LED lights. They would only work every now and then when turned on. Mostly my passenger side one which would not always come on or just light up a little. I see from your picture that the driver side mirror is bright and the passenger side is dull. I had to go back stock on the third brake light.

Yes I did, and yes it's the Passenger side one that "acts up". But, If the truck is running, it doesn't seem to be an issue, so I'm thinking it's something to do with the voltage when not running.. I know LED's are touchy when it comes to the amount of power they need to run properly. As of now, it doesn't bother me because as long as the truck is on I have no issues... Only time will tell.


Edit: now that I think about it, that started to happen as soon as I put a straight wire in the Cargo lights on in reverse mod...

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do you happen to have the bulb #'s you used for the cargo, backup, and tail light leds? Did you have any issue with the backup lights from the stupid diffuser gm has covering the backup lense?


These are the ones I installed. http://www.amazon.com/JDM-ASTAR-Lumens-AX-2835-Chipsets/dp/B00G2TV7OG/ref=pd_ys_sf_s_15684181_a2_3_p?ie=UTF8&refRID=1S7FBB6GJ9NCQHVYCNAZ


They went in the Cargo Area housing and in the Tail lights fine. I didn't notice any issues with the diffuser, but it could be that these are just bright as hell.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Added DEF fluid[emoji53]

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Installed my light bar. Can't wait till try it at night.




Think it's "hidden" for the most part.


Here is what I got.


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Looks good, make sure to post a pic at night when you get a chance

Here it is from right now:





Really lit up the street. Couldn't capture it on the camera.

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Can you get some night pics? Been wanting to do this



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Here are a few shots I took last night to compare.


First one is my VLEDS HID'S only thru the stock projectors.771a0e8162ac89b5614b7e980e7f4320.jpg


These are the Low Beams and VLED's LED fog lights. 5k 9be7ecc67f885e3511237eb8f68b6827.jpg


This is with the Low beam, Fog and Light Bar on7c9c25cc4a0c55b331621f971d4c502a.jpg

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  • 3 months later...

I forgot to add to this page I did the BANKS Cold Air and Programmer.


I also ordered and should have today a Dash Cam. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00FONBG1A?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00

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I just ordered a set from VLEDS. They have the LMZ kits down to $130, and offering 20% off since they are out of stock until the 16th.




I currently have VLEDS HID kit, and now have a bulb not lighting up. With work being crazy, I haven't even had a chance to figure out what went bad yet. Checked all my connections, and see nothing wrong. I'm hoping tonight to swap the ballasts from one side to the other to see if it is a ballast, or bulb.

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Where did you get your tailgate LED bar from, and how difficult was the install?

Amazon f5341f8cfb4bca37e9681ab5b23f188d.jpg


Very easy to install. Hardest part was making sure it was straight and level. I didn't pull the tailgate off. Only thing I removed was the taillight just to hook up the reverse light. If I remember correctly, the wire is green.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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