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2019 Silverado high country truck with a gentle 42,000 miles…. Babied.

Shift to park message displayed, was difficult to get the massage and the “dining” to go away.

Cost me $341 to have it fixed, the dealer said GM helped $ome.. they said 30% with the cost. I’m a couple months outside of the 3 year warranty… lucky me.  I feel I shouldn’t have had to pay a cent ….($70K Truck!).   But they have trump and you pay… and get screwed…. without even a kiss… even if you own a C7 Corvette.

Actually, this problem showed up occasionally / rarely, about 2 years ago… I sort of ignored it as it seemed to always go away.   But not recently, last two weeks every time I’d stop the truck.  My mistake was not taking a photo of the display two years ago…. Possibly I could have had GM cover the repairs…take note.

They replaced the entire “Transmission Control Assembly” (TCA), as you all know most all of today’s dealer mechanics don’t fix anything… they just replace parts.  The TCA looks like it located inn the upper part of the steering column connected to or very close / connected to the shift PNRDL lever.

See the photos, it appears to me the problem is /was in the bent micro switch lever (flimsy) interfering with the metal frame of the TCA.   I believe replacing the $10 micro switch would have solved the problem.   If the replaced one is like the old TCA, likely I’ll be replacing it in a few years.  I can’t help in how to access the TCA, but though you might like a couple of the photos of the unit.





Good photos, sorry you had the trouble. You are correct in how they can't fix a darn thing nowadays. I had a microswitch problem, unlike yours, with a Shark vacuum. Same deal though - wanted to replace the whole head of the vacuum for $90 because the beater bar wouldn't work. I went to Ebay and bought a $3 microswitch, threw in a little solder and boom, the thing works like new.



I'm not trying to be a jerk.......but

You came on here to complain when GM helped with the cost. You were out of warranty, and you ignored the problem. 

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So is the micro-switch arm supposed to be straight? What actuates it? Is it just dragging on the frame under it?

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