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Playing Videos on MyLink / Intellilnk

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Thanks tbarn. Glad you have it working. Like I said, this is all new to me and it took me a while to figure out. If you have an easier way or even more info on what you have working, I would appreciate the help.

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Just for my own curiosity....are you trying to get it to play videos for kids riding in the back seat?


Otherwise, I can't imagine why a person would even bother trying. Maybe it's just one of those, "it says I can do it, so I'm going to check it out" and I can understand that, but when would you ever sit in your truck and watch a movie?


Waiting for the spouse in the shopping center parking lot? Stuck on a ferry? Double-booked in the living room?


Personally I sometimes enjoy quiet, relaxing moments without any distractions. It's when I get some of my most dangerous thinking done!

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To be honest, I probably wont use it a lot but it comes in handy waiting with my 7 year old in the truck or waiting by myself for the wife or son. I can even see folks on the job for lunch or break watching a video. Maybe when we go hunting and I have my deer in the first 30 minutes and have a couple hours to kill in the truck waiting for the others to get cold and give up :ughdance: ! There is definitely a little bit of "because I can" too.

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Just for my own curiosity....are you trying to get it to play videos for kids riding in the back seat?


Otherwise, I can't imagine why a person would even bother trying. Maybe it's just one of those, "it says I can do it, so I'm going to check it out" and I can understand that, but when would you ever sit in your truck and watch a movie?


Waiting for the spouse in the shopping center parking lot? Stuck on a ferry? Double-booked in the living room?


Personally I sometimes enjoy quiet, relaxing moments without any distractions. It's when I get some of my most dangerous thinking done!

I only use it while driving, makes the long mundane trips go by much faster.

Also helps me brush up on my instinct and reaction speeds so that I am a safer driver while texting.... It's a win win

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I only use it while driving, makes the long mundane trips go by much faster.

Also helps me brush up on my instinct and reaction speeds so that I am a safer driver while texting.... It's a win win

I completely missed the educational component of this feature! Way to go GM!

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I was in my dealership today and a local guy came in with a brand new truck (from an out of state dealer) asking this exact question after I got a good chuckle when the salesman who waited on him told him to go to the dealer he bought it at and ask them because he was busy trying to make a living..... I approached him and told him to check out this site hope he joins...



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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On my wife's 2013 Subaru I ran a wire to ground the unit to fool the parking break circuit and ran a switch under the dash fro the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) to fool the it into thinking the vehicle was not moving when switched. Works perfectly and my daughter and other passengers can now sit in the back and watch movies all the time. It also allowed all of the settings to be active that normally would only be available while parked such as certain GPS and Bluetooth commands. I didn't mind taking the chance to mess up the wife's car, but I don't have the balls to try it on the MyLink system........yet!

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On my wife's 2013 Subaru I ran a wire to ground the unit to fool the parking break circuit and ran a switch under the dash fro the vehicle speed sensor (VSS) to fool the it into thinking the vehicle was not moving when switched. Works perfectly and my daughter and other passengers can now sit in the back and watch movies all the time. It also allowed all of the settings to be active that normally would only be available while parked such as certain GPS and Bluetooth commands. I didn't mind taking the chance to mess up the wife's car, but I don't have the balls to try it on the MyLink system........yet!

Oh crap... Put your purse down and go figure it out and give us a big write up so we can do it. It's only fair.

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I resolved the issue I was experiencing with playing videos and put together a how to for those that are having issues with the system recognizing their videos. My system would not recognize the files on the SD card so I researched best I could using information from this site and others to experiment with formats and resolved.


This may be basic information for some but I'm old and not as familiar with some of the new tech so I had to figure it out. Hopefully there are others like me that it may help. (ignore bad grammar and spelling)!



I downloaded handbrake and so for have not got it working. when I start the encoding process, I can come back 15 hours later and it is still in process. A file has been copied to the destination disc but the red stop sigh is still showing and time is still clicking away on the process. Time Remaining says 0 immediately when I click start. is that normal?

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